Ecological Significance of Nitrogen Fixation by Actinorhizal Shrubs in Interior Forests of California and Oregon


  • Matt D. Busse

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is vital to the terrestrial nitrogen (N) budget, balancing N losses from denitrification and providing N for organism growth and maintenance. Limited information exists, however, to verify the importance of BNF by actinorhizal shrubs in moistureand nutrient-limited forests of the interior west. A series of studies are presented that evaluate BNF by actinorhizal shrubs in central Oregon and northeastern California ponderosa pine forests and examine the effects of several forest management practices on shrub growth and potential N fixation. Nitrogen fixation rates were determined for Ceanothus velutinus (snowbrush) and Purshia tridentata (bitterbrush) in central Oregon by N isotope dilution methods and for Purshia and C. prostratus (mahala mat) in northeast California by N natural abundance. Both C. velutinus and Purshia were efficient N fixers in the ponderosa pine understory of central Oregon; about 85 percent of their total plant N was derived from fixation. Ceanothus velutinus fixed an average of 10 kg N ha annually at sites with low to moderate shrub cover. Although this rate is substantially lower than that reported for C. velutinus shrub fields on the western slopes of the Cascades, it would provide enough N to offset losses from periodic prescribed fire or harvesting. Purshia fixed about 1 kg N hayr or less as an understory species at sites in Oregon and California and showed little or no stimulation from several management treatments, including overstory removal, organic residue removal, prescribed fire, and fertilization. Ceanothus prostratus also fixed less than 1 kg N ha yr at the California site. Of the three species, only C. velutinus produces biomass and, consequently, fixes sufficient N to replace N lost during perturbation. Introduction Terrestrial ecosystems gain an estimated 130-170 million metric tons of nitrogen (N) annually from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) (Galloway and others 1995), with about 40 million metric tons, or 23-31 percent of the total, attributed to forested ecosystems (Burns and Hardy 1975). Although these estimates are admittedly crude, they underscore both the magnitude and the significance of BNF to the global N budget. At the forest stand level, high rates of BNF are most often reported for actinorhizal and leguminous plants which fix N in symbiosis with soil prokaryotes. Examples include Alnus rubra (red alder), 130 kg N ha yr (Binkley 1981); Casuarina equisetifolia, 12-85 kg N ha yr (Diem and Dommergues 1990); and Ceanothus velutinus (snowbrush), 20-100 kg N ha yr (McNabb and Cromack 1983, Youngberg and Wollum 1976, Zavitkovski and Newton 1968). By comparison, asymbiotic N fixation by free-living soil prokaryotes typically contributes 1 kg N ha yr or less in forest ecosystems (Jurgensen and others 1992), whereas associative N An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the California Forest Soils Council Conference on Forest Soils Biology and Forest Management, February 23-24, 1996, Sacramento, California. 2 Research Microbiologist, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 2400 Washington Ave., Redding, CA 96001 (e-mail: [email protected]) USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-178. 2000. 23 Nitrogen Fixation by Actinorhizal Shrubs—Busse fixation, although controversial, has been suggested to fix up to 50 kg N ha yr in the rhizosphere of conifer roots (Bormann and others 1993). Not satisfied with the intrinsic rates of N fixation, soil and plant biologists have long had the goal to enhance BNF through better understanding of its biochemistry, physiology, and ecology. Unfortunately, what can be described by a simple chemical equation, the conversion of atmospheric N to ammonium by the enzyme complex nitrogenase, belies a complexity and elegance that is often frustrating to the scientific community. Although a wealth of knowledge has been gained in the study of BNF, translation of this knowledge to on-the-ground improvements has been slow, particularly in temperate agricultural ecosystems. It is important to ask, therefore, whether similar obstacles should be expected in forested ecosystems. Have we as a scientific community set our expectations of BNF too high? If BNF is indeed besieged by predictions or unrealistic expectations, they are a likely indication that the long-standing goal of providing sizable improvements in N yield has been overemphasized. Instead of asking how much additional N can be fixed by advances in breeding programs, inoculum technology, or other scientific improvements, a more apropos question is to first ask how much added N is required by forested ecosystems. For example, if providing sufficient N for tree growth is required, then, as suggested by Turvey and Smethurst (1983), “initial fixation rates should be between 50 and 100 kg ha yr.” An alternative approach is to provide sufficient N input from BNF to meet the needs of long-term ecosystem sustainability. The value of such an approach is subtle, yet would be of considerable importance if BNF could replace N losses from prescribed fire, wildfire, denitrification, or harvesting. For example, use of prescribed fire to reduce fuel buildup can result in N losses of between 50 and 150 kg ha in central Oregon pine forests (Landsberg 1993, Monleon and Cromack 1996, Simon 1990). Assuming a prescribed-fire program with a mean return interval of 15 years, complete replacement of N losses would be met by N fixation rates between 3 and 10 kg ha yr. This example accentuates a proclivity to become entranced by high rates of N fixation without first taking into consideration the basic needs of an ecosystem. Nitrogen fixation by actinorhizal shrubs is a viable means to replace N lost by perturbation in pine forests. Actinorhizal plants fix N in symbiosis with members of the genus Frankia, a soil actinomycete, and are common in the understory of pine and mixed conifer forests of central Oregon and northeastern California (Benson and Silvester 1993, Schwintzer and Tjepkema 1990). These N-fixing plants are early seral, establishing after natural or anthropogenic disturbances, and often persist until shaded by overstory trees. In addition to providing fixed N, actinorhizal shrubs are acknowledged for their importance as wildlife browse species (Conard and others 1985, Guenther and others 1993), erosion control (Conard and others 1985), and improvement of soil quality (Busse and others 1996, Dyrness and Youngberg 1966, Johnson 1995). Johnson (1995) found that stands of C. velutinus in the eastern Sierra Nevada had higher levels of soil carbon (C) and N compared to adjacent Jeffrey pine stands. Higher levels of C and N have also been reported in central Oregon soils when actinorhizal shrubs are present in the understory of ponderosa pine stands (Busse and others 1996). Although actinorhizal shrubs are common to the dry, pine forests of central Oregon and northeastern California, little is known of their contribution to the N budget. The objectives of my research were to compare rates of N fixation by Purshia, C. velutinus, and C. prostratus in these forests and to evaluate their response 24 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-178. 2000. Nitrogen Fixation by Actinorhizal Shrubs—Busse to a variety of forest management practices. The ecological importance of BNF by these species is discussed in the context of managing understory vegetation for a variety of uses, including wildlife habitat, timber production, and soil productivity. Materials and Methods Actinorhizal Species More than 200 actinorhizal species representing 8 plant families are known (Berry 1994). The following species were selected for study on the basis of their relative abundance in pine forests of central Oregon and northeastern California: • Purshia, or bitterbrush, a member of the Rosaceae family, is found throughout pine forests and rangelands of the interior west of North America. Its geographical distribution, estimated at 138 million hectares (Hormay 1943), extends from southern British Columbia to New Mexico, and includes all 11 western states. Noted characteristics include its high value as a wildlife browse (Guenther and others 1993), intolerance to fire (Driscoll 1963, Hormay 1943), and extensive phenotypic variation (Klemmedson 1979). Nodulation was first identified by Wagle and Vlamis (1961), and ability to fix N was confirmed several years later (Webster and others 1967). Current knowledge of the N-fixing capacity of Purshia under natural conditions is limited. Dalton and Zobel (1977) estimated annual rates well under 1 kg N ha in central Oregon pine forests and attributed this, in part, to low nodulation rates resulting from restrictive soil temperature and moisture. • C. velutinus, or snowbrush, a member of the Rhamnaceae family, is also widespread in the western states and can flourish in a variety of forested habitats (see Conard and others 1985 for a review of the genus Ceanothus). It is a fast-growing, seral species capable of seed germination, even after several hundred years of dormancy (Conard and others 1985), and is fire tolerant with rapid resprouting typical after fire. The N-fixing ability is well characterized for pure stands of C. velutinus. Studies from shrub fields on the western slopes of the Cascade Range in Oregon estimate annual rates of fixation as high as 100 kg N ha yr (Binkley and others 1982, McNabb and Cromack 1983, Youngberg and Wollum 1976). On a drier site in central Oregon, fully stocked C. velutinus contributed an estimated 71 kg N ha yr (Youngberg and Wollum 1976). • C. prostratus is a mat-forming species found on dry sites in pine forests in the Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Range and is credited as a valuable species for erosion control (Conard and others 1985). Nitrogen fixation by C. prostratus was first identified by Delwiche and others (1965), yet no additional information exists with regard to its N-fixing ability in field conditions. Measurement of BNF Measurement of N fixation is problematic; the lack of a simple and accurate method to determine annual rates continues to be a limitation. Several methods have been used, including N isotope dilution, N natural abundance, acetylene reduction, N accretion, and N difference, each with their own assumptions and inaccuracies. Of USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-178. 2000. 25 Nitrogen Fixation by Actinorhizal Shrubs—Busse these, the N stable-isotope methods are currently considered to have the least drawbacks for the quantitative measurement of BNF (Warembourg 1993). Their advantages rest in the ability to measure BNF cumulatively over one or more growing seasons, the high degree of precision of stable isotopes, and the capability of assessing the relative efficiency of N fixation, or the proportion of plant N derived from fixation (Ndff). Stable-isotope methods are not without their limitations, however. Several assumptions, which primarily involve the selection of the reference plant, must be satisfied to ensure an accurate measurement of BNF. Reference plants are required in order to estimate the relative proportion of plant N derived from fixation versus soil N uptake. They must have a similar rooting profile, timing of N uptake, and internal isotopic discrimination as N-fixing plants. Finding an appropriate reference plant, unless non-nodulating isolines are available, is a difficult task at best. I used N isotope dilution to measure BNF in central Oregon and N natural abundance to measure BNF in northeastern California as summarized below. Quantification of BNF by C. velutinus and Purshia in Central Oregon Ponderosa Pine Stands Rates of N fixation by C. velutinus and Purshia were quantified at three sites on the eastern slope of the central Oregon Cascades, along a north-south transect of the Deschutes National Forest. Site characteristics are listed in table 1. Criteria for site selection were to provide: (i) 20 to 60 percent ground cover of C. velutinus in the understory of ponderosa pine and (ii) a range of ponderosa pine stand ages. Although occupancy by Purshia was not one of the original criteria, the species was included in this experiment given its presence at two of the sites. Table 1—Site characteristics for the N-isotope-dilution study in central Oregon. Swede Ridge Walker Mt. Jeff Elevation (m) 152

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